Looking for Massage Therapy in Cockburn, Perth?
Perth Massage Therapy
Want to try something out of this world? BodySpace Recovery Studios in Cockburn, Perth, grant visitors access to state-of-the-art massage machines for sports recovery and total body relaxation.
The Cocoon Pro 2.0 Wellness Pod in Cockburn, Perth
Private Infrared Sauna Pod with Vibratory Massage
What is the vibration massage technique:
Vibration massage features a shaking movement that is performed by an electrical plate. The vibrational massage is gentle and stimulates soft tissue and nerves, relieving muscular tension and decreasing stress levels.
Benefits of Vibration Massage:
- Increases blood circulation under the skin
- Improves muscular strength
- Increases range of motion
- Decrease tension and tightness in the muscles
- Stress reduction
- Reduces pain associated with fibromyalgia
Customizable Features:
- Heat Settings
- Intensity Settings
- Massage Areas
Kick those feet up and experience one of the best compression massages available on the market. Book a session
More information about the Infrared Wellness Sauna Pod in Cockburn, Perth.
The BodyRoll Wood Roller Massager in Cockburn, Perth
Private Infrared Roller Massage Machine Perth
What is the Wood Therapy massage technique?
Wood therapy is a vigorous massage technique that utilizes wooden, rollers that rotate into muscle tissue and problem areas, in order to relieve pain, increase lymphatic drainage and reduce the appearance of cellulite under the skin. Effective in breaking down fat deposits, the origin of wooden-like massage tools dates back hundreds of years.
Benefits of Wood Therapy Massage
- Relief of Muscular Aches and Pains
- Stimulates Lymphatic Drainage
- Speeds Up Metabolism
- Detoxification
- Breaks down the appearance of cellulite
- Tightens loose skin
- Stress reduction and relaxation
- Deep tissue sports and fitness recovery
- Programmed Roller Massage
- Massage Areas Include:
Experience one of the most satisfying massage machines designed to relax, and provide body sculpting and detoxification for the body.
More information about the Body Roll Massage Machine in Cockburn, Perth.
The NormaTec Compression Massage in Cockburn, Perth
NormaTec Recovery Boot Compression Massage
Bring a friend along or have a private session.
What is the compression massage technique?
Compression massage is that which applies direct pressure to a specific area and then releases the pressure, in order to help the body increase blood circulation. Most compression massage techniques apply static compression as their primary technique. NormaTec’s high-tech air compression massage, on the other hand, is a patented sequential system that is delivered through 5 massage zones from feet to hips.
- Patented Compression Technology
- Programmed Roller Massage
- Pulse 2.0 Patented System with Pulse, Gradient and Distal Release
- 5 Massage Zones
Benefits of NormaTec Compression Massage
- Relief of Muscular Aches and Pains
- Stimulates Lymphatic Drainage
- Increased Limb Blood Circulation
- Decreases Inflammation and Swelling
- Detoxification and Removal of Waste Products (Lactic Acid)
- Stress reduction and relaxation
- Deep tissue / remedial sports and muscular recovery
- Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion
- Improved athletic performance
- Decreases time of recovery = Train Harder, Get Results Faster
Kick those feet up and experience one of the best compression massages available on the market. More information about the NormaTec Recovery Boots treatment in Cockburn, Perth.
Massage Therapy Services: Servicing Local Residents and Businesses in the City of Cockburn, Perth.
You can book a session online or call us on 0466113438.
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